Funeral Services

Things To Consider While Live Streaming A Funeral

When a loved one passes away, not everyone will be able to attend the funeral in person. Because of this, you should select a Mildura funeral home that allows you to live stream the service. This allows mourners to tune in from anywhere in the world. If you are considering this approach, there are a few things to keep in mind to make sure you are creating a good experience.

Public Or Private

The first thing you need to consider is whether you want a private or public live stream. Often, public live streams will be accessible to anyone. Usually, they can be joined through the funeral home’s website. You can include the time and date of the service in Mildura funeral notices, so everyone who is interested can attend.   

If you are planning on having a more intimate funeral, you might want to choose a private live stream. This will require a specialized link to access, which you can include in the funeral invite. This will include the time and date when the funeral will be held.

Who Will Record The Live Stream

Sometimes, you might want to organize the live stream yourself. This will mean setting up all the equipment. This can require a lot of technical skills. Usually, though, live streaming will be included in the Mildura funeral arrangements.

Whether You Want To Record The Live Stream

Sometimes, a family will want to record the live stream. This can provide a lasting memory of the service and the beautiful stories that were shared. Sometimes, you might want to re-watch this recording on the anniversary of your loved one’s passing, to keep their memory alive.

How Long The Recording Stays Online

Sometimes, a family member might have commitments that prevent them from watching the live stream. This can be difficult, as they will be left without any way to participate in their loved one’s funeral. Because of this, you might want to leave a recording online. This can be viewed at any time or downloaded to remember the funeral service. In most cases, these recordings will stay online for a few weeks. Though you might want to make it available for a little longer.

Participation In A Live Streamed Funeral Is Possible

Sometimes, a dear friend or family member might be unable to attend the funeral to deliver a eulogy. This can be a devastating occurrence for everyone involved. Live streams can give them a way of sharing their thoughts during the service.

There are a few tips that those speaking in a live-streamed funeral should keep in mind. First, it’s important to choose a quiet location, minimizing background noise. Next, it can help to get a high-quality webcam. This will allow the funeral guests to see your face as you speak, allowing them to share in your emotions. Lastly, if possible, choose a location with a good internet connection to prevent technical glitches.


Being unable to attend the funeral of a loved one can be difficult. Thanks to live streaming, guests can attend the funeral virtually, sharing their condolences with the mourning family. This allows everyone affected by their passing to say a heartfelt goodbye.

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